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Contact Groups

Contact Groups are used to send emails or text messages to groups of individuals within your church. You can add anyone to a Contact Group, as well as assign permission to other individuals granting them permission to send messages.

Key Features 

  • Ability to create a group for mass communication via text &/or email 

  • Can create a group (example: prayer team, children's ministry) for communication purposes

  • Ability to see members of the group and its senders (who can send communications)


Overview: Shows the total number of members in the contact group 

Send Email: Use the email form to email communications to all members of the group

*ability to add attachments 

Send Text: Use the text form to email communications to all members of the group

*max of 160 characters 

Recipients: Shows the members of the contact group & ability to click into their profile portal. You can also remove a member from the group here. 

Senders: The list of member that have permission to send communications to the recipients/members of the group

Settings: Group image and description (ability to add information about the group and add/change the group avatar image)

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